I love reading!!! If I had to choose a favorite genre, I suppose I would choose Historical Fiction because it feels like time traveling. I also LOVE to craft and have always wanted to combine these two passions. I want the bookmarks I create to be as magical as the books they'll soon be sleeping in between, saving the last page you read. I want them to inspire your imagination and I want the quotes I choose to place on some of them to inspire you in life. More bookish goodies coming soon!

Bookmark Collections Part 1

Incredibly Bookish Bookmarks

These bookmarks are all book themed. All are unique. No two are... 

Space Odyssey Collection

These Space themed bookmarks were so much fun to make and I... 

Cat Lovers Collection

Attention all cat lovers! These bookmarks are purrrfect for you! All quotes... 

Bookmark Collections Part 2

Dog Lovers Collection

Incredibly fun to make! Dogs represent loyalty and everlasting friendship! I hope... 

Healing Crystal Collection

Gorgeous Crystal themed bookmarks with inspiring quotes. No one is the same.... 

Sunflower Bookmarks Collection

These Sunflower inspired themed bookmarks came out gorgeous! I hope you find... 

Bookmark Collection Part 3

Wonderland Collection

Get Lost with Alice and her friends in Wonderland and Beyond! 

Magical Doors Collection

There are so many stories with magical doorways that often lead our... 

Art Exhibit Collection

Van Gogh Crossover Exhibit

Great gift for art fans who also love to read! Great fun... 

Pastel Art Bookmark Collection

Gorgeous scenes from nature created from pastel paints 

Other Bookish Goodies

Pins, Pins, and More Pins

Cool and nerdy enamel pins! More coming soon and over time!